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Horst Nol
I am also welcome: Horst Noll, Rentner from Kassel, neither use nor another Handy, but can not install any Apps. This could be one way Lidl doesn’t make a profit on rabattan boats. © Ludwig, Bastiaan

A cashier who trades by hand is now with a vast smartphone app application, worry-free.

Kassel – Schnäppchenjäger is on sale with bonus cards and stamp handles in the wallet. This time is probably a matter of action. Zunehmend gibt is a discount that is not for the customer who has the distributed app of discounters, dryer markets or other smart installations on his smartphone. The Kasseler Horst Noll fühlt itself dadurch diskriminiert. Etliche people want a smartphone that no longer fits or is woolly with dating protection grounds for the only Rabattaction that is not useful, so up to 66 years.

It is not possible to cook yourself if schnäppchenjäger is used. If it is one of the things that Angebot becomes, he does not die in Anspruch. So I would like to buy that Netto-Markt Coffee. With the Netto-App used you can go to the 500-Gramm-Packung 80 Cent-favorable. “Weil ich a smartphone with the app you have is the only price you can pay,” says Noll. Dankenswerterweise has created another kundin in the Netto-App, which the cashier has used, a Kaffee 80 Cent that has been issued. As fall begins in the fall, the 80 cent price has increased. So Lidl works with a hand blender and the Lidl Plus app now costs 50 euros and 70 euros. “That’s a good thing,” says Noll. The app is not installed.

Kasseler Rentner takes care of himself

Der Kasseler has no problem with another smartphone, which takes longer than all apps to function. There will be an end to more problems. So you regularly install the NVV app. This is a different person who doesn’t need a smartphone. If this time is not respected, you will find it.

If you are looking for new products, you can use the right apps to download jewelry. ‘Dem Handel is een datensammlungen. It is possible that there are legal rights, which are not related to the indefinite period of the app, i.e. from 66 years of age. It is likely that most people have been tried, the apps will run automatically. Häufig würden auch Standortdaten des Utzers übermittelt. “Bei an app for the ÖPNV can verstehen, aber warum muss der Supermarkt know, what is it worth?” Noll shouts. If this Grund has started, the first questions are skeptical.

Trade defends App-Rabatte

Martin Schüller, Geschäftsführer Einzelhandelsverband Hessen-Nord, sees everything for the Vorteile der Rabatt-Aktionen. “For many tradespeople and tradespeople, they have digital actions, a great deal of flexibility, a larger group of people to grow, a smaller number of resources for consumers and consumers to make and materials, and paper, and save money,” says Schüller. Digital promotional costs are incurred for trading. While the operation for the reausforderung enables digitalization and notices the traditional way of working. In many cases, the Hessian Trade put dementia on a Mischiung aus Aktionen and classical Angeboten.

View the Discounter Lidl for both forms. “With the Lidl Plus App you can make a wired connection, while you can take out a digital subscription with the electronic connection in the Branch connection,” so a conversation. You can get more information about using Haushaltshandzettel by issuing Rabatt Coupons for Einsatz. The use of mobile phones, the security of smartphones, is increasing and more and more models are being used, which can be used by all alternative groups. (Bastiaan Ludwig)

This is the Verbraucherzentrale

De Verbraucherzentrale empfiehlt Nutzern von Einzelhandels-Apps, ich these genau anzusehen. So hey, it’s from the shopping carts: Supermarket Apps of the Retail Chains have functionalities and locks with Rabatten and others Vorteilen für Kunden. In the Rule it is possible to go with the Nutzung aber, the Handler in the Werbung. With the apps you can set the Unternehmen, Nutzungsprofile and your Kunden. Make sure you can set up the app on your smartphone. It may happen that the functionality of the app is used. So it is not the case that the Supermarket app can no longer be launched on the market.

Helga Engelke is the Vorstende des Kasseler Seniorenbeirats. I am Interview with our broadcast about the question and the arm in change.

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